Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, One Two Buckle My Shoe, Incy Wincy Spider这些家喻户晓的英语童谣,是童真岁月最好的良伴!欢唱前先来三遍的朗读,熟记了歌词,欢唱起来更得心应手。
1. 372说说唱唱有声书简介1
2. 3. One, two
4. 5. Potatoes
6. 7. Roses are red
8. 9. Round and round garden
10. 11. Work and play
12. 13. What to drink
14. 15. Go to bed
16. 17. Goodnight
18. 19. Toe
20. 21. Incey Wincey Spider
22. 23. Little teapot
24. 25. Star light
26. 27. If you’re happy
28. 29. A song of sixpence
30. 31. Betty Botter
32. 33. The little star
34. 35. Auld lang syne
36. 372说说唱唱有声书简介1
2. 3. One, two
4. 5. Potatoes
6. 7. Roses are red
8. 9. Round and round garden
10. 11. Work and play
12. 13. What to drink
14. 15. Go to bed
16. 17. Goodnight
18. 19. Toe
20. 21. Incey Wincey Spider
22. 23. Little teapot
24. 25. Star light
26. 27. If you’re happy
28. 29. A song of sixpence
30. 31. Betty Botter
32. 33. The little star
34. 35. Auld lang syne
36. 372说说唱唱有声书简介1